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Staffing and Human Resources
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Career strategy consultants

Month: April 2024

Current Job Openings Across North America for May 2024

A woman opening a door with her hand outstretched

As a leading staffing agency, we are actively recruiting for various full-time opportunities throughout North America this May. Our team of expert recruiters is dedicated to staffing both permanent and contract positions across multiple industries. To learn more about these current job openings and our staffing services, visit our website or reach out to one of our knowledgeable team members today.


  • HR Coordinator – Chandler, AZ
  • Maintenance Manager – Casa Grande, AZ
  • Project Engineer – Casa Grande, AZ
  • Production Manager – Chandler, AZ




  • Chief Metallurgist – Hammond, IN
  • Metallurgist – Hammond, IN


  • Senior Human Resource Generalist – Shreveport, LA
  • Commodity Manager – Shreveport, LA
  • Process Engineer – Shreveport, LA


  • Regional Sales Manager (Manufacturing) – Cleveland, OH
  • Metallurgist – Mingo Junction, OH


  • Maintenance Manager – Sinton, TX


Understanding the Updated FLSA Salary Threshold and Its Impact on Workers and Employers

Employees standing around a conference table

Major Changes to the FLSA’s Salary-Level Threshold

The U.S. Department of Labor has announced significant changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act‘s (FLSA) salary-level threshold for white-collar exemptions from overtime pay. Previously set at $35,568, the threshold will increase to $43,888 starting July 1, 2024, and will further rise to $58,656 on January 1, 2025. This adjustment means that employees earning less than these amounts may now be eligible for overtime pay if they work over 40 hours in a week.

Impact on Workers

For employees, especially those earning near or below the new thresholds, this change could lead to increased earnings through overtime. Workers who previously did not qualify for overtime because of their salary level might find themselves eligible, providing a significant boost to their potential income. This shift is particularly important for hourly and lower-wage workers who often work long hours but previously were not compensated for overtime due to their exempt status.

Implications for Employers

Companies employing workers near the new threshold face important decisions. They must choose whether to increase the salaries of these employees to maintain their exempt status or to reclassify them as nonexempt and pay overtime when they work more than 40 hours a week. The financial implications are substantial, as failing to properly compensate overtime can lead to legal consequences and fines. Employers will also need to consider the administrative burden of tracking hours more meticulously for a greater number of employees who are now eligible for overtime. This could require additional HR resources or systems to ensure compliance with the new regulations.

Preparing for the Change

1. Review Employee Classifications: Employers should start by reviewing the current salaries and
classifications of their employees. Identifying which employees are affected by the new threshold is critical to planning the next steps.
2. Consider Salary Adjustments: For employees who are close to the new threshold, it may be
financially sensible to raise their salaries above the threshold to maintain their exempt status. This decision will depend on the cost comparison between paying a higher salary versus managing overtime payments.
3. Plan for Overtime Management: For those employees who will remain under the threshold and
thus become eligible for overtime, employers need to strategize how to manage this to avoid unexpected overtime costs. This could include adjusting work schedules or redistributing workloads.
4. Update Payroll Systems: Ensuring that payroll systems are updated to handle changes in employee classifications and to accurately process overtime payments is crucial. This might
involve software updates or system enhancements.
5. Communicate Changes Effectively: Clear communication with employees about changes in
their employment classification and potential changes to their compensation is essential.
Transparency helps in managing expectations and maintaining employee morale during transitions.


The increase in the FLSA salary threshold is a significant change that will affect a large number of employees and employers across the U.S. By understanding the implications of these changes and preparing accordingly, companies can ensure compliance, manage labor costs effectively, and maintain a satisfied workforce. This proactive approach will be crucial in adapting to the new regulations and maintaining operational efficiency.

Understanding the New FTC Rule on Noncompete Agreements

a gavel on top of a book

The Sweeping Changes Brought by the FTC

On April 23, 2024, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) instituted a major shift in employment law by finalizing a rule that bans most new noncompete agreements nationwide. This rule significantly impacts millions of workers by rendering existing noncompete agreements unenforceable, except those that cover a small fraction of senior executives. Specifically, this exception applies to executives earning over $151,164 annually who hold a policy-making position, a group constituting less than 0.75 percent of all workers.

The rule, which will take effect 120 days after its publication in the Federal Register, also mandates that employers notify current and former employees that their noncompete clauses are null. This decisive move by the FTC aims to enhance job mobility, increase wage competition, and foster a more dynamic and innovative economic environment.

Legal Challenges and Employer Response

The FTC’s decision is not without controversy. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has already announced plans to challenge the rule, indicating that the battle over noncompete agreements may eventually escalate to the Supreme Court. These legal proceedings are expected to delve into whether the FTC overstepped its constitutional authority—a question raised by the new Republican Commissioners and other critics who believe such regulatory actions should be left to Congress or individual states.

Employers, especially those in industries like technology and healthcare where noncompetes are prevalent, are now faced with the need to reassess their strategies for protecting intellectual property and managing competition. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), for instance, has expressed its opposition to the FTC’s blanket ban, advocating instead for a balanced approach that protects both worker mobility and employer interests.

Practical Steps for Employers Moving Forward

  1. Legal Consultation: Employers should immediately seek legal counsel to understand the implications of the FTC rule for their specific circumstances and prepare for the potential legal challenges ahead.
  2. Revising Employment Contracts: It is crucial for employers to review and revise their existing employment and noncompete agreements. Given the rule’s immediate impact on these contracts, replacing or amending them with compliant alternatives like nondisclosure and nonsolicitation agreements may be necessary.
  3. Adapting Business Strategies: Businesses should consider adjusting their strategies to safeguard confidential information and maintain competitive advantages without relying on noncompete clauses. This may involve enhancing the security of trade secrets and redefining access to sensitive information.
  4. Communicating with Employees: Effective communication with current and former employees regarding the invalidation of their noncompete clauses is not only a requirement but also a best practice to maintain trust and transparency in employer-employee relationships.
  5. Monitoring Legal Developments: Given the anticipated legal challenges and potential delays in the rule’s enforcement, employers must stay informed about new developments and be ready to adapt their practices accordingly.


The FTC’s new rule on noncompete agreements marks a significant policy shift intended to promote economic liberty and competition. While it promises greater freedom and opportunity for workers, it also poses substantial challenges for employers, who must navigate the legal complexities and rethink how they protect business interests. As the situation evolves, both employers and employees should remain vigilant and informed to understand how these changes will affect the landscape of employment law and business practice.

Enhancing Cultural Fit Assessments with ChatGPT: A Strategic Guide for HR Professionals

Cultural fit assessment with Chatgpt

In the realm of recruiting and human resources, ensuring a candidate’s alignment with company culture is as crucial as assessing their skills and experience. A strong cultural fit promotes employee engagement, satisfaction, and long-term retention. With the integration of AI technologies like ChatGPT into HR practices, professionals now have an innovative tool at their disposal to assess cultural fit more effectively. This blog explores how HR professionals can leverage ChatGPT to conduct comprehensive cultural fit assessments on job applicants.

The Importance of Cultural Fit in Modern HR Practices

Understanding and evaluating a candidate’s compatibility with your company’s values, mission, and work environment is essential for fostering a cohesive and productive team. However, assessing cultural fit can be nuanced and complex. ChatGPT offers a nuanced approach to this challenge, enabling HR professionals to delve deeper into candidates’ values, work style, and motivations in a scalable and efficient manner.

Utilizing ChatGPT for Cultural Fit Assessments: Practical Prompts

  • Values Alignment Inquiry Prompt
    “Generate questions that explore a candidate’s alignment with our core values of [Value 1], [Value 2], and [Value 3], providing examples of behaviors or decisions that demonstrate these values.”

  • Work Environment Preference Assessment Prompt
    “Create a series of questions to assess a candidate’s preferred work environment and how they thrive in settings similar to ours, focusing on [aspect of work environment].”

  • Team Dynamics Compatibility Prompt
    “Formulate questions that reveal how a candidate works within a team, their conflict resolution style, and their approach to collaboration, ensuring alignment with our team dynamics.”

  • Adaptability and Growth Mindset Evaluation Prompt
    “Draft questions that evaluate a candidate’s adaptability, willingness to learn, and growth mindset, crucial for adapting to our evolving company culture.”

  • Personal Mission and Company Mission Correlation Prompt
    “Construct questions to explore the connection between a candidate’s personal mission and our company mission, identifying shared objectives and motivations.”

  • Feedback and Continuous Improvement Orientation Prompt
    “Develop questions to understand a candidate’s approach to receiving feedback and their commitment to continuous improvement, aligning with our culture of ongoing development.”

Strategies for Maximizing the Use of ChatGPT in Cultural Fit Assessments

  • Customization and Personalization
    Tailor the ChatGPT prompts to reflect the unique aspects of your company’s culture. This ensures that the questions and assessment criteria are directly relevant to your organizational context.
  • Integration with Interviews
    Use ChatGPT-generated questions as part of your structured interview process. This approach ensures consistency and comprehensiveness in evaluating cultural fit across all candidates.
  • Analyzing Responses
    After collecting candidates’ responses, use ChatGPT to help analyze and highlight alignments or discrepancies with your company culture. This can streamline the decision-making process by providing insights into the degree of cultural fit.
  • Continuous Refinement
    As with any AI tool, the effectiveness of ChatGPT improves with use. Regularly update and refine your prompts based on the outcomes of your assessments to enhance accuracy and relevance.

Ready to transform how you assess cultural fit in your recruiting process? Discover advanced strategies for incorporating ChatGPT into your hiring process, ensuring that you not only find candidates with the right skills but also those who will thrive within your company culture. At Career Strategy Consultants, we believe in the power of aligning people with culture. Let’s leverage the potential of AI together to build teams that not only excel but also resonate with your company’s core values.

Don’t let the challenge of resume screening overwhelm your recruiting efforts. Contact us today and transform your approach to identifying the best talent in the market. At Career Strategy Consultants, we’re dedicated to empowering HR professionals with cutting-edge tools and strategies. Join our workshop, and let’s redefine recruiting excellence together. Visit our website or call us at 740-325-1151 to get started now!

Revolutionizing Resume Screening with ChatGPT: A Strategic Guide for HR Professionals

Resume Screening with Chatgpt

In today’s competitive job market, the ability to efficiently screen resumes is crucial for HR professionals aiming to identify top talent. With the advent of AI technologies like ChatGPT, the recruiting process is undergoing a transformative shift, offering unprecedented efficiency and precision. This blog delves into how HR professionals can utilize ChatGPT to screen resumes effectively, ensuring a streamlined hiring process that captures the best candidates.

The Role of ChatGPT in Resume Screening

ChatGPT, powered by sophisticated natural language processing algorithms, can analyze large volumes of text swiftly, making it an ideal tool for sifting through resumes. By understanding the nuances of job descriptions and candidate qualifications, ChatGPT can help HR teams identify the most promising candidates from a pile of resumes, saving time and enhancing the quality of hiring decisions.

Tailored Prompts for Efficient Resume Screening with ChatGPT

  • Keyword Identification Prompt
    “Identify key skills and qualifications for the [Job Title] position and highlight resumes that prominently feature these keywords.”

  • Experience Level Assessment Prompt
    “Evaluate the experience level of candidates for [Job Title] by analyzing the duration and relevance of their previous job roles.”

  • Education and Certification Checker Prompt
    “Extract information on education and certifications from resumes for the [Job Title] role, focusing on [specific degree], [certification], and [another certification].”

  • Achievements and Contributions Highlighter Prompt
    “Highlight significant achievements and contributions in past roles that demonstrate potential for impact in the [Job Title] position.”

  • Custom Filter Creation Prompt
    “Create custom filters to screen resumes for the [Job Title] position by [specific criteria], such as leadership experience, software proficiency, or project management skills.”

  • Fit for Company Culture Evaluation Prompt
    “Analyze personal statements and cover letters to assess candidates’ fit with the company culture, emphasizing values such as [value 1], [value 2], and [value 3].”

Maximizing ChatGPT’s Capabilities in Resume Screening

  • Refining Your Prompts: The effectiveness of ChatGPT in screening resumes significantly depends on how well the prompts are crafted. It’s important to refine your prompts based on the specific requirements of the job and the qualities you’re seeking in candidates.

  • Iterative Process for Improvement: Use the initial screening results to adjust your prompts for better accuracy. This iterative process helps in fine-tuning the AI’s understanding of your needs, leading to more precise screening outcomes.

  • Integration with ATS: For organizations using Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), integrating ChatGPT’s capabilities can further streamline the resume screening process. This integration allows for automatic screening and shortlisting of candidates within your existing recruiting workflow.

Don’t let the challenge of resume screening overwhelm your recruiting efforts. Contact us today and transform your approach to identifying the best talent in the market. At Career Strategy Consultants, we’re dedicated to empowering HR professionals with cutting-edge tools and strategies. Join our workshop, and let’s redefine recruiting excellence together. Visit our website or call us at 740-325-1151 to get started now!

Leveraging ChatGPT for Crafting Compelling Job Descriptions: A Guide for HR Professionals

Leveraging ChatGPT

In the swiftly evolving landscape of recruiting and human resources, staying ahead means leveraging the most innovative tools at our disposal. One such tool, ChatGPT, has emerged as a game-changer for HR professionals. Its ability to generate human-like text based on the prompts given to it can significantly streamline the process of creating job descriptions that attract the right candidates. This blog will explore practical prompts HR professionals can use with ChatGPT to craft job descriptions that stand out.

Understanding the Role of ChatGPT in HR

ChatGPT, with its advanced natural language processing capabilities, can assist HR professionals in creating detailed, accurate, and engaging job descriptions. By inputting specific prompts, HR teams can produce content that reflects the nuances of the role, the company culture, and the qualifications needed, thereby attracting a more qualified and diverse applicant pool.

Effective Prompts for Building Job Descriptions with ChatGPT

  • Role Summary Generation Prompt
    “Generate a concise role summary for a [Job Title] that includes key responsibilities, necessary qualifications, and desired skills.”
  • Responsibilities and Duties Prompt
    “List the primary responsibilities and duties of a [Job Title], focusing on [specific area or skill], [another area or skill], and [another area or skill].”
  • Qualifications and Skills Prompt
    “Detail the qualifications and skills required for a successful [Job Title], emphasizing [specific qualification or skill], [another qualification or skill], and [soft skill].”
  • Company Culture Description Prompt
    “Describe the company culture at [Your Company Name] and how a [Job Title] would fit into this environment.”
  • Ideal Candidate Profile Prompt
    “Create a profile of the ideal candidate for [Job Title], including background, experience, skills, and personality traits.”
  • Call to Action for Applicants Prompt
    “Craft a compelling call to action for potential applicants to apply for the [Job Title] position, highlighting the benefits and opportunities of joining [Your Company Name].”

Tailoring Prompts to Your Needs

While the above prompts are a starting point, it’s essential to tailor them to your company’s specific needs and the nuances of each role. This may include adding industry-specific requirements, company-specific values, or role-specific challenges and opportunities.

Incorporating Feedback and Iteration

After generating a draft with ChatGPT, it’s crucial to review and refine the content. Adjust the prompts based on feedback or specific needs that may not have been fully captured in the initial iteration. This iterative process ensures the job description is not only accurate and comprehensive but also resonates with the target audience.

At Career Strategy Consultants, we’re committed to providing you with the tools and insights you need to succeed in the ever-evolving HR landscape. Contact our team today, and let’s navigate the future of recruiting together. Visit our website or call us at 740-325-1151 to get started now!

Navigating the AI Age: Crafting Your Resume for AI and Applicant Tracking Systems

Navigating the AI Age

In today’s job market, the first hurdle job seekers often face isn’t impressing a human recruiter but getting past the artificial intelligence (AI) and Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) that pre-screen resumes. These systems scan and evaluate resumes based on specific criteria, keywords, and formats before a human eye ever sees them. Understanding how these systems work and tailoring your resume accordingly can significantly increase your chances of landing on a recruiter’s desk. This blog offers practical tips on crafting your resume with AI and ATS in mind.

Understanding AI and ATS in Recruiting

AI and ATS are used by employers to manage the overwhelming number of applications they receive. These systems are designed to filter out resumes that don’t meet specific criteria, ensuring that only the most relevant candidates are considered. While efficient for employers, this can be a significant barrier for job seekers if their resumes are not optimized for these systems.

Key Strategies for AI and ATS-Friendly Resumes

  • Keyword Optimization: Carefully read job descriptions to identify industry-specific keywords and phrases. Incorporate these into your resume, mirroring the language used in the job listing. This includes job titles, skills, tools, certifications, and relevant technologies.
  • Simplicity in Formatting: While creative resumes can stand out to human readers, AI and ATS may struggle to interpret them. Use a clean, straightforward format with standard fonts, bullet points, and clear headings. Avoid tables, columns, images, or headers and footers, as these can confuse the parsing algorithms.
  • Relevance and Context: Beyond including keywords, ensure your experiences and skills are presented with context. Use actionable verbs and quantify achievements where possible (e.g., “Increased sales by 20% in Q1”). This not only helps with ATS but also shows potential employers the tangible value you bring.
  • Standard Section Headings: Stick to conventional headings like “Work Experience,” “Education,” and “Skills.” Creative headings may not be recognized by ATS, leading to important information being overlooked.
  • Tailor Your Resume for Each Application: Generic resumes are less likely to pass through ATS filters. Tailor your resume for each job application, focusing on how your background aligns with the specific job description.
  • Professional and Social Media Links: If applicable, include links to professional profiles or portfolios (like LinkedIn or GitHub). However, ensure these profiles are clean, professional, and up-to-date.
  • Use Both Acronyms and Full Forms: Some ATS may search for either the acronym or the full form of professional terms and qualifications (e.g., “Certified Public Accountant” and “CPA”). Including both ensures you’re covered regardless of which term the ATS is programmed to search for.

Final Checks Before Submission

  • Compatibility and File Type: Save your resume in a widely accepted file format like PDF (if the application system allows) or Word document, ensuring the formatting remains intact and is compatible with most ATS.
  • Proofreading and Testing: Use online ATS simulation tools to see how an ATS reads your resume. This can provide insights into any sections or keywords you might need to adjust.

Crafting an ATS-friendly resume is your ticket to ensuring your application reaches human hands. However, standing out in today’s job market requires continuous learning and adaptation. Don’t let your application get lost in the digital shuffle. Contact us now and take control of your job search with Career Strategy Consultants. Let’s unlock the door to your next career opportunity together. Visit our website or call us at 740-325-1151 to get started now!

Current Job Openings Across North America for April 2024

Job Openings for April 2024

As a leading staffing agency, we are actively recruiting for various full-time opportunities throughout North America this April. Our team of expert recruiters is dedicated to staffing both permanent and contract positions across multiple industries. To learn more about these current job openings and our staffing services, visit our website or reach out to one of our knowledgeable team members today.


  • Project Engineer – Casa Grande, AZ
  • Production Manager – Chandler, AZ




  • Chief Metallurgist – Hammond, IN
  • Metallurgist – Hammond, IN


  • Senior Human Resource Generalist – Shreveport, LA
  • Commodity Manager – Shreveport, LA
  • Process Engineer – Shreveport, LA


  • Assistant Controller – St. Louis, MO


  • Regional Sales Manager (Manufacturing) – Cleveland, OH
  • Environmental Engineer – Mingo Junction, OH
  • Process Engineer – Mingo Junction, OH
  • Metallurgist – Mingo Junction, OH


  • Industrial Automation Engineer – Sinton, TX
  • Process Engineer – Sinton, TX


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