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Career strategy consultants

Month: June 2023

Mastering the ATS Selection: A Guide for Recruiters and HR Professionals

The Applicant Tracking System (ATS) has become an indispensable tool for recruiters and HR professionals in the modern recruitment landscape. With the volume of applicants and the increasing demand for efficiency, an effective ATS can streamline the recruitment process, automate administrative tasks, and enhance the candidate experience. However, choosing the right ATS can be a challenging task given the plethora of options available. In this blog, we’ll delve into what recruiters and HR professionals should seek in an ATS and what pitfalls to avoid.

Understanding Your Recruitment Workflow

The first step in choosing an ATS is understanding your recruitment workflow. The system should align with your processes, not the other way around. Identify your workflow stages and ensure the ATS supports them all, be it job posting, resume parsing, candidate screening, interview scheduling, or communication.

User-friendly Interface

An intuitive and user-friendly ATS is essential. It can minimize the learning curve for new users, reduce errors, and increase productivity. Users should be able to navigate the system easily, and it should be straightforward to perform common tasks.

Mobile Compatibility

In the age of mobile technology, an ATS that is not mobile-friendly can be a significant disadvantage. Candidates often use mobile devices to job hunt, and HR professionals use them for quick access to recruitment data. Look for an ATS that offers a robust mobile experience for both candidates and recruiters.

Integration Capabilities

Your ATS should be able to integrate seamlessly with other HR tools and platforms you’re using, such as HRIS, job boards, social media platforms, and background check providers. This interoperability can streamline your processes and eliminate manual data entry.

Advanced Search and Reporting 

A good ATS will offer advanced search capabilities, allowing recruiters to search the candidate database using various filters and keywords. Moreover, robust reporting and analytics can provide insights into your recruitment process, such as time-to-fill, source of hire, and candidate conversion rates.

Compliance Features

Compliance with labor laws and data privacy regulations is paramount. Your ATS should help maintain compliance by storing candidate data securely, adhering to GDPR and EEOC requirements, and facilitating proper record-keeping.

Pitfalls to Avoid

Skipping the Vendor Demo

It’s crucial to see the ATS in action before making a decision. A vendor demo can give you a real feel of the system, uncover any potential issues, and allow you to ask questions.

Ignoring User Reviews

User reviews can provide valuable insights into the system’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as the vendor’s customer support. They can help you validate your choice or warn you of potential red flags.

Failing to Consider Future Needs

Your company will grow, and your recruitment needs will evolve. Make sure the ATS can scale with your organization and accommodate your future recruitment strategies.

Neglecting Candidate Experience

A complicated or cumbersome application process can deter candidates. Ensure the ATS provides a positive and seamless candidate experience, with easy application submission and communication features.

Choosing the right ATS is a strategic move that can significantly influence your recruitment outcomes. By keeping in mind the considerations and potential pitfalls discussed above, you can select an ATS that is well-suited to your organization’s recruitment needs and can support your recruitment efforts effectively.

Needs Navigating the HRIS Landscape: Key Considerations for HR Professionals

In the rapidly evolving world of human resources (HR), an effective Human Resources Information System (HRIS) is a crucial tool for managing and optimizing HR tasks. As an HR professional, choosing the right HRIS for your organization can be a daunting task, given the multitude of solutions available on the market. In this blog, we’ll explore what HR professionals should look for in an HRIS platform and pitfalls to avoid during the selection process.

Understanding Your Needs

Before diving into the pool of HRIS solutions, it’s paramount to identify and understand your organization’s specific needs. Is your organization focused on recruitment? Performance management? Payroll? Benefits administration? Some platforms might be vital in particular areas but weaker in others. Knowing your priorities will help streamline your search.

User-friendly Interface

An HRIS platform that is intuitive and easy to use will increase user adoption and improve overall productivity. Look for a platform that requires minimal training to operate and offers a pleasant user experience. A complicated or confusing system may frustrate users and lead to lower utilization rates.

Integration Capabilities

HR does not operate in a vacuum. Your HRIS needs to communicate effectively with other systems within your organization. Whether it’s integrating with your current payroll system, time tracking tool, or other enterprise applications, make sure the HRIS can integrate seamlessly and share data accurately.


Your HRIS should be able to grow with your company. As your organization expands, the HRIS must be able to accommodate more employees, more data, and potentially more complex operations. Check whether the platform can handle the projected growth of your company without requiring a system overhaul.

Robust Reporting and Analytics

Data-driven decision-making is becoming the norm in HR. An HRIS with robust reporting and analytics can provide valuable insights into employee performance, engagement, retention, and more. Make sure the platform can generate customizable reports that align with your organization’s strategic goals.

Regulatory Compliance

HR is a field riddled with compliance obligations. An ideal HRIS should keep abreast of regulatory changes and assist in maintaining compliance, whether it’s related to labor laws, benefits administration, or data privacy.

Pitfalls to Avoid

Ignoring Employee Feedback

Your employees will be the primary users of the HRIS. Ignoring their feedback during the selection process could lead to a system that doesn’t meet their needs, resulting in poor adoption rates.

Overlooking Hidden Costs

 The price tag of an HRIS platform is not always straightforward. There could be additional costs for implementation, maintenance, upgrades, and training. Be sure to account for these when calculating the total cost of ownership.

Neglecting Vendor Support

A responsive and knowledgeable vendor can make the implementation and ongoing use of an HRIS much smoother. Do not overlook the importance of vendor support when evaluating HRIS platforms.

Overestimating the Importance of Trendy Features

While it’s important to have an HRIS that’s up-to-date with current trends, don’t let flashy features distract you from core functionalities that your organization truly needs.


Choosing the right HRIS is a strategic decision that can significantly impact your HR operations and overall business performance. By keeping in mind the points mentioned above, you’ll be better equipped to make an informed choice that aligns with your organization’s needs and goals.

Do You 1099 or W2 an Employee? Know the Differences for Your Staffing and Recruiting Needs

Every business owner understands the critical role that employees play in the success of their companies. However, how you classify and compensate your workers is just as crucial. When hiring, the question often arises: should you 1099 or W2 an employee?

In this blog post, we’ll guide you through when employers should use 1099 instead of W2, and vice versa. We’ll also outline the pros and cons of both options to help you make the most informed decision. We aim to aid staffing and recruiting firms like yours to get the maximum advantage from the workforce you have in place.

1099 vs. W2: An Overview

The IRS uses forms 1099 and W2 to track income earned by workers. They are not interchangeable, and the form you should use depends on the worker’s classification: independent contractor (1099) or employee (W2).

When to use a 1099

A 1099 form is typically used for independent contractors. These are self-employed individuals who provide a specific service for a company, but they control how they perform their work.

You should use a 1099 when:

  • The worker provides their tools and resources to complete their work.
  • The worker has the freedom to decide how, when, and where to carry out their job.
  • The worker is hired for a specific project or for a limited time.
  • The worker offers the same service to other companies.

When to use a W2

On the other hand, a W2 form is used for employees. Employees have less control over their work and are subject to their employer’s business policies.

You should use a W2 when:

  • The employer has control over how, when, and where the worker performs their tasks.
  • The employer provides the necessary tools and resources for the worker.
  • The worker is an integral part of the organization’s operations.
  • The employment relationship is expected to continue indefinitely.

Pros and Cons

Now that we’ve established when to use 1099 or W2, let’s delve into the pros and cons of each.

Pros of 1099

  • Flexibility: 1099 workers offer greater flexibility as they can be hired for specific projects or periods.
  • Reduced Overhead Costs: Employers are not obligated to provide benefits like health insurance, retirement contributions, or paid time off to 1099 workers.
  • Less Tax Burden: Employers do not have to withhold taxes for 1099 workers.

Cons of 1099

  • Less Control: Employers have less control over the work performed by independent contractors.
  • Potential for Misclassification: Misclassifying an employee as a contractor can lead to penalties from the IRS.
  • Turnover: Contractors can leave at any time, leading to higher turnover rates.

Pros of W2

  • Control: Employers have full control over the work performed by W2 employees.
  • Continuity: W2 employees tend to stay longer with companies, ensuring continuity and stability.
  • Tax Withholding: Employers manage tax withholdings for W2 employees, reducing the employee’s tax-related tasks.

Cons of W2

  • Higher Costs: Employers must provide benefits and pay payroll taxes for W2 employees.
  • Less Flexibility: W2 employees usually work set schedules and cannot easily be hired or let go based on fluctuating business needs.

Navigating the 1099 and W2 landscape can be complex, but the right choice can significantly impact your business. At our staffing and recruiting firm, we understand these challenges. We’re here to guide you through these decisions and find the perfect fit for your needs.

Join the conversation below by leaving a comment or question, and don’t forget to share this post if you found it helpful. And of course, feel free to contact us directly for personalized assistance with your staffing and recruiting needs. Remember, it’s not just about finding people to fill positions; it’s about finding the right people for the right positions.

This blog post is intended to provide generalized guidance and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a legal or tax professional for specific concerns.

Current Job Openings Across North America for June 2023

As a leading staffing agency, we are actively recruiting for various full-time opportunities throughout North America this June. Our team of expert recruiters is dedicated to staffing both permanent and contract positions across multiple industries. To learn more about these current job openings and our staffing services, visit our website or reach out to one of our knowledgeable team members today.


  • Maintenance Technician – Orlando, FL
  • Public Engagement Specialist – Gainesville, FL
  • Public Engagement Specialist – Ocala, FL
  • Public Engagement Specialist – Sumner, FL
  • Public Engagement Specialist – Tampa, FL


  • Maintenance Mechanic – Trenton, GA
  • Reliability & Maintenance Manager – Newnan, GA
  • Controls Engineer – Newnan, GA
  • Senior Electrical Engineer – Peachtree City, GA


  • Industrial Automation Engineer – Elkhart, IN
  • Maintenance Supervisor – Elkhart, IN


  • Floor Assistant – Overland Park, KS


  • Accountant – Remote


  • Assistant Casting Manager – Carthage, TN


  • Medical Technologist – New Martinsville, WV
  • Staff Medical Lab Technologist – New Martinsville, WV
  • Senior Project Engineer – Proctor, WV
  • Process Engineer – Proctor, WV
  • Electrical Maintenance Engineer – Proctor, WV
  • Data Quality Coordinator – Wheeling, WV