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The Most Important Benefits to Offer in 2022

Important Benefits to Offer

If you’re an employer, it’s important to consider the benefits that are most valuable to your staff. It’s increasingly difficult to retain qualified employees, so it’s worth your time to look at what makes them tick and what motivates them. With this in mind, we’ve outlined the top five benefits that carry the most weight in 2022: increased paid leave, education reimbursement, short-term disability insurance, flexible work schedules, and life insurance.

There are standard benefits that employers can offer to their employees, but those are only a fraction of the topics covered here. For employers to retain the best talent, they need to consider more than just perks and perks. They need to be thinking about employee satisfaction and retention as well.

What makes employees happy and satisfied?

If you’re looking for new employees, it’s important to keep in mind what employees value the most. Research shows that increasing company recognition is the number one reason employees remain happy with their current jobs. A huge portion of company recognition is understanding your employees’ needs and expectations when it comes to looking out for and taking care of them individually and their families. In short, employees are looking for employers that want to improve their health and wellbeing.

That being said, in the spirit of providing an overview of the top five benefits, we’ve used the following to set the stage:

1. Increased Paid Leave

According to our research, paid leave is the number one benefit of all time. Paid leave refers to time off offered by employers. Typically, paid leave includes vacation time and sick leave. It can also include maternity or paternity leave.

The reason it’s likely the leading benefit in 2022 is because of the working-from-home trend and because it’s wrapped into other benefits that employers offer to their employees. With a renewed focus on improving employee health and wellbeing, there’s a significant increase in the number of benefits companies are offering today.

Companies like Spotify, Netflix, and others have made headlines for offering a generous amount of paid leave to their employees. This change is indicative of the way all companies are shifting their focus from the bottom line to employee wellbeing. 

2. Education Reimbursement

Education reimbursement is the number three benefit when it comes to monetary perks. This benefit has grown significantly over the years as employers realize that they need to be investing in their employees, both when they are working at the company and after they have left the company. 

3. Short-Term Disability Insurance

Short-term disability insurance is number five on our list of top benefits, as it was once a very unimportant benefit offered by employers. However, because of the changing state of benefits, companies are now offering short-term disability insurance to all their employees.

4. Flexible Work Schedules

Flexible work schedules continue to be an important benefit for employers. It’s a benefit that is essential for employees, as it provides them with more control over their days, as well as financial benefits when they’re out on leave. We’re still in the early stages of this trend, so it’s too soon to know exactly how this benefit will play out. That said, in a world with the connectivity and accessibility of today, employees should be able to take care of family needs while they are at work.

5. Life Insurance

Life insurance continues to be an important and essential benefit for employees, as it is one of the most important benefits in terms of financial security. Employers are thus focusing on this benefit and adding it to their benefits packages. Employees are looking for insurance that protects their families and the people who depend on them financially.

These benefits have been identified as being in demand by employees, but employers should look at these benefits from a different perspective. What exactly are employees looking for? What is their value to your company? How can you improve their quality of life in the workplace? It’s important to consider what employees want and how they can be exploited by their employers. 

Employees want to feel appreciated and valued. They want to know that the work they do is important. 

Employers need to remember that it’s about more than just the bottom line for employees.