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Staffing and Human Resources
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When to Use a Staffing Agency

When to Use a Staffing Agency - Career Strategy Consultants
When to Use a Staffing Agency - Career Strategy Consultants

Organizations large and small across the globe utilize Staffing Agencies to provide a solution to various critical needs of their business. When considering utilizing a Staffing Firm or Temp Agency, it is important to understand each of the services the agency can provide and determine which solution can bring the most value to your organization and successfully accomplish your goals.

Whether you’re looking to reduce recruiting time, add an extra layer of security with each hire, diminish hiring costs, or alleviate your hiring manager’s workload, a Staffing Agency can provide a customizable solution tailored to your specific needs and expectations.

Here are a few of the most common reasons for partnering with a Staffing Agency:

For Time-Sensitive Hires

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If the position(s) you’re seeking to hire are critical to the continuity of your business, a staffing agency can provide you with a larger prequalified pool of talent almost instantly that is tailored to your specific need and hiring preference (temporary staffing, contract to hire, or direct hire). Career Strategy Consultants provides fully-vetted candidates to assist in making your internal hiring process more time-efficient and cost-effective.

If Your Human Resources or Talent Acquisition Department is Understaffed or Focusing on other Priorities

Consider utilizing a Staffing Agency to lessen the workload of your internal HR or Talent Acquisition team by outsourcing more difficult or time-consuming hires. By only supplying qualified and interested candidates, Career Strategy Consultants is able to provide any organization the ability to streamline its interviewing efforts and eliminate time wasted reviewing unqualified applicants.

To Reduce Costs

Contrary to popular belief, outsourcing staffing services can save organizations money in both short-term and long-term timeframes by providing various employment solutions.

Staffing Agencies are known to reduce the costs associated with making a hire in areas such as:

  • Advertising
  • Screening
  • Interviewing
  • Preemployment screening (Physical, Background, Credit, etc.)
  • Payroll taxes
  • Benefits
  • Unemployment
  • Workers’ compensation premiums

Career Strategy Consultants provides each organization with the ability to tailor each service to its specific need and seamlessly integrate those services into its current processes.

To Add More Security and Reassurance with Each Hiring Decision

Culture Fit

Take advantage of temporary or contract to hire staffing services to allow you more time to determine if an individual strongly fits within your organization before offering them a permanent position. This solution also allows your organization to avoid the majority of risks and legal liabilities associated with an individual quitting or being terminated from their position. Career Strategy Consultants also adds an additional guarantee with each hire to further ensure that the placement is a mutual fit between both your organization and the candidate.

For Any Type of Fluctuation in Business Demands

Provide your organization with more financial flexibility and leaner operations by adjusting the size of your workforce based on the current level of demand from your customer-base. By utilizing a Staffing Agency, your organization is able to capitalize on several advantages that stem from a more fluid workforce with the use of contract or temporary staffing services.

For more information about any of these services, please feel free to reach out to us!