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Should You Accept a Counteroffer? The Hidden Risks and What to Consider

Should You Accept a Counteroffer? The Hidden Risks and What to Consider blog
Should You Accept a Counteroffer? The Hidden Risks and What to Consider blog

Deciding Whether to Stay or Go

Receiving a counteroffer from your current employer can feel validating—your skills are valued, and they don’t want to lose you. But before you accept, take a step back. Is the counteroffer truly solving the issues that made you consider leaving in the first place?

Studies show that 80% of employees who accept a counteroffer leave within six months, and 90% depart within a year (Momentum Legal). Additionally, 45% of employees decline counteroffers because they don’t believe the offer will address their long-term concerns (Achievers).

So, how do you make the right decision?

Key Considerations Before Accepting a Counteroffer

  • Why Were You Looking in the First Place? If your reason for leaving was more than salary—such as limited growth, poor management, or workplace culture—a counteroffer likely won’t fix it.
  • Will Your Employer Question Your Loyalty? Some companies view counteroffer acceptances as a temporary solution and may deprioritize your career advancement.
  • Is This Just a Short-Term Fix? Many employees who accept counteroffers start job searching again within a few months (PRMIA).
  • Does the Counteroffer Actually Address Your Concerns? More money is great, but if the work culture, leadership, or lack of development opportunities were your real concerns, those won’t disappear overnight.

What’s Next for Your Career?

Thinking about making a career move? Whether you’re exploring new opportunities or debating a counteroffer, Career Strategy Consultants is here to help you navigate your next step. Don’t make this decision alone—let’s talk about what’s best for your long-term career goals. Reach out today!

Contact Us: Career Strategy Consultants | 740-325-1151 | info@careerstrategyinc.com

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